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Week 1


  • Understanding the requirements
  • Understanding the Batch Service
  • Searching/Deciding a framework for mocking
  • Setting up dev environment - Databases, Ubuntu, Docker, IntelliJ

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During the first week, I focused on understanding the project requirements thoroughly. This step was crucial to set a clear direction for my work. I also dedicated time to grasp the intricacies of the existing Batch Service, studying its functionality, architecture, and components.

One of the significant tasks during this week was searching and deciding on a suitable framework for mocking. I explored various options and made an informed decision based on the project's needs. This choice would streamline testing and development in the subsequent stages.

To get started with development, I set up my development environment, ensuring everything was in place. This involved configuring databases like Cassandra, ElasticSearch, and Redis, as well as setting up Ubuntu and IntelliJ for smooth development.